Generation UK & NGTU’s Collaboration : Aire Street Studios Under New Influence

Within today, society faces an interesting paradox: statistically over 75 million young individuals are jobless, however numerous employers encounter difficulties in finding the right candidates that obtain the required skills for entry-level jobs. Generation UK is an independent, non-profit company founded by McKinsey & Company, and is there ready to be of assistance to bridge this gap swiftly and effectively. In the company, they concentrate on enhancing the return on investment (ROI) employers gain through the process of recruitment and training. Generation UK consists of having a primary goal of ensuring that new hires operate at an elevated level of productivity, exhibit prolonged retention, and demonstrate a quicker progression to promotion.

Moving on, Not Going To Uni was founded in 2008, with the intention of showcasing the alternatives to the standard university route to school and college leavers. Since they launched their services,  it has become one of the best known and recognised brands within the market, regularly asked to comment on issues in the market by multiple media outlets - this includes the BBC and Sky! 

Collaboratively, the two companies joined up today, securing the rental of Leeds-based studio. This strategic move was created and catered by their interaction with Mark Wheelwright, the studio owner, who was sought specifically for the purpose of conducting a podcast regarding the companies. 

The day commenced promptly at 9 am, with the crew arriving, setting up their equipment and the scene with the assistance of Mark Wheelwright. The podcast’s hosting responsibility was entrusted to Immy who kicked off the day with a comprehensive rehearsal alongside everybody else, including the crew members responsible for the sound. This exercise was done to ensure a smooth flow of questions, covering all necessary aspects of the guests’ experiences with Generation UK and their personal university journeys.

The studio was well-stocked with refreshments, complementing the aromatic presence of the Brew Society opposite the space. A relaxed atmosphere was cultivated, providing a soothing ambience for the podcast’s guest speakers. The day’s itinerary included inviting two guest speakers to share their experiences with Generation UK and their personal university stories, including their decision to attend or not, and the reasons behind it.

In the lead-up to the recording, the crew conducted sound checks to avoid capturing any unwanted noise. This was also vital to help ensure that the voices of Immy and the guests were picked up clearly and audibly throughout the podcasts. A relaxed atmosphere was maintained throughout the day with refreshments available during breaks, enhancing the overall experience and keeping it stress-free.

The day finished on a high note, with the team wrapping up. They had managed to secure high-quality clips, ready for editing and set to be showcased to their target audience, thereby marking the successful end of a productive day.

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